Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Practical Diet Should Not Be Expensive

Have a resolution to lose weight in the new year but did not want the resolution failed to save money? Try these diet tips to help you achieve the same resolution. But remember, this diet is not instantaneous, and takes patience. If you have willpower, you certainly can.

1. Water, water, and water!
You know, sometimes there are people who can not distinguish between hunger and thirst? Sometimes thirst was wrong in the brain associated with hunger. When it comes to snacking, try to take one glass of cold water and drink. Do not really like drinking water? Herbal tea with fruit flavor can also reduce the desire to snack. Be sure to reduce sugar-sweetened beverages or instant beverages.

2. Indiscriminate snack at midnight
At night, when you're relaxing in front of the television after dinner, usually a snack will easily consume. This is dangerous, because you really do not need those calories from snacks. All you can do is to really close the kitchen, turn off the lights, lock the pantry or after 7 pm, or allow yourself snacking, but the food is really low in calories.

3. Enjoy your favorite foods
Rather than cut off ties with favorite foods, try to be a slim shopper. That is, if you like certain foods, please buy, but reduce the portions. Rather than buying a cake in a large carton, try to select the smallest one bag only. You can still enjoy your favorite foods, but taste. The key is moderation.

4. Little but often
If you consume fewer calories than you burn, the body weight is reduced. But when you always feel hungry, eat fewer calories can be a challenge. "A study showed that people who eat 4-5 snack menu or the day would be easier to regulate appetite and body weight," says obesity researcher Rebecca Reeves, DrPH, Rd. She recommends dividing your daily calories into a meal or snack menus smaller, and try to enjoy it in the morning and afternoon. Dinner should be a last time for you to chew food.

5. Eat protein at every meal menu
Protein foods are satisfying their hunger. You will feel full faster when eating protein than carbohydrates or fats. Protein also helps maintain muscle mass and encourages fat burning. So, try to consume a protein commonly found in yogurt, cheese, nuts, or seeds in your daily menu.

6. Spices
Add spices or spicy taste to your daily menu to add flavor to the food menu to help you feel more satisfied. Foods that are rich in flavor will stimulate the senses of taste and more satisfying, so you do not feel like eating constantly. But to watch too, sharpness can also trigger you to eat more.

7. The contents of cabinets with a healthy diet
When you fill the pantry with healthy menus and easy to be consumed at any time, you'll avoid the temptation to eat fast food tend to be greasy. Try to keep foods such as frozen vegetables, whole-grain pasta, low fat cheese, canned tomatoes, canned beans, seasoning chicken breast or salad leaves.

8. Select the menu for children
One trick to reduce your food is to order a menu for children. Portion of the menu for children is much smaller. It is already very common for adults who want to reduce meal portions. Or, when you go to a buffet restaurant, choose a small plate to give the illusion that the food you take is very much as a full plate.

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