Sunday, June 17, 2012

Delicious Food For Diet

For women diet is troublesome, it is because a lot of delicious food menu that can not be enjoyed. But now the diet does not mean you can not eat, the food delicious.

Apparently there are some delicious foods that can reduce your weight.

These delicious meals to help your diet:

Shrimp cocktail
Shrimp is a source of food protein (8 calories), which can speed up metabolism and keep you satisfied for several hours. At other times when you want to eat dinner out, start with an appetizer of shrimp cocktail Shrimp cocktail alias.

If you want to cook at home, the sauce is very easy to use. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of tomato sauce with 1 teaspoon of Tabasco (to create a more varied flavor, add a little lemon juice or hot sauce)

Spicy chicken salad
Add the sauce is very spicy meal can make a slow tempo. So you will be full faster. For a simple lunch, just prepare the chicken salad. How, to prepare 1 piece of chicken breast that has been diced, 1-2 teaspoons low-fat mayonnaise, hot sauce to the sense, and some vegetables into the composition of the salad in the kitchen. Serve with some lettuce and a glass of water, of course.

Pumpkin Pudding
Cream pudding has less than 150 calories and calories can help you lose weight. Combine 180 ml nonfat vanilla yogurt with a half cup of fresh pumpkin that has been refined or blended and a little cinnamon. Pumpkin will be mixed with yogurt (rich in protein and nutrients) and will produce large amounts of fiber. Mixture of protein and fiber in the stomach will make the stay full. So you do not need to chew food again for the next few hours.

Vegetable Soup
Research has shown that eating a bowl of vegetable soup that is rich in fiber, can reduce 20% the number of calories contained in the body. Sup able to eliminate hunger and capable filling quickly, so you can eat a main meal with smaller portions.

Cucumber Salad, Tomato and Onions
Try the classic version of the Mediterranean salad is low in calories. Prepare one cucumber, one tomato, red onion and a half. Then mix all the vegetables before the Vinegarette (a mixture of oil and vinegar with mustard and garlic) or with vinegar, plus 1 teaspoon olive oil. This salad has a number of calories is less than 150 calories. This is because the high content of water in the salad ingredients. Examples are low in calories and cucumber topped as a food that is able to reduce weight.

Green tea ginger
enjoy a cup of low-calorie tea can relieve stress after a long day. As a bonus, the study said, drinking green tea may speed up your metabolism. Combine green tea with a slice of ginger to your taste.

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